Monday, November 24, 2014


In order for a child to continue improving their reading skills, it is important to first know their current level of reading. Teachers must do this through assessment. Although many people tend to think of tests or exams when they hear the word "assessment", there are many different forms that this could come in. Assessments are simply a way to help teachers know more about their students' knowledge and what they can do to increase this knowledge.

To effectively execute this process correctly, a school first needs to catch any reading problems that a child may have in reading early and have a method for doing this that is easy to use for all educators. In addition, a school needs to have intervening services that will work with the students to address the issues that they may be having. These services need to be effective, efficient, and beneficial. In order to make sure that a student is improving from these interventions, a student must be monitored and tracked. So that a student is effectively monitored, teachers need be trained with this knowledge. There are many teachers today that have a lack of knowledge in what to do for low-achievers. This, of course, is incredibly important. However, teachers do not need to address these issues alone. Teachers and educators should form a skilled team that discusses the student's issues and what people can do to fix them.

All of these components are a part of the RTI approach, which is a systematic method for addressing the educational issues that a student may be having in class. The process is fairly long and detailed, but has provided many students with the assistance they need.

This image displays the three Tiers that are a part of the RTI model. This will make the RTI method a bit easier to understand

1. What are your thoughts on the RTI Model?

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Meet the Reader

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Hi! My name is Miss. Madison and I am your second grade teacher this year! First of all, let me begin by saying how excited I am to have each one of you in my class! We are going to have a fun and exciting year. I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Students can really change the world, you know. I was born in Washington, DC but have lived in Nashville, TN for the majority of my life. I have one sister who is three and a half years younger than me. I love to dance, cook, adventure outside, and have fun with my friends.